Ocean Patrol Vessel Piloto Pardo

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  • Año:2007
  • Desplazamiento:1.728 Tons.
  • Potencia de Maquinaria2 Generating Diesel of 800 kva c/u


1 40/70 mm. Gun

6 .50 mm machine guns.

  • Velocidad Máxima20 n.
  • Eslora:80,60 m.
  • Manga:13 m.
  • Puntal:6,50 m.
  • Calado:3,80 m.
  • Comandante Comander Manuel Silva Terán

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Ocean Patrol Vessel Piloto Pardo
Ocean Patrol Vessel Piloto Pardo

The building of this unit, framed within the Danube IV Project, began in november 2006, and was christened on june 14th, 2007. This patrol vessel has a total of 1.728 tons of displacement, being its base port Talcahuano. It is habilitated to function along the complete coast of the country, protecting the 27 million square kilometers of national seaboard within the search and rescue area of responsibility that according to international treaties corresponds to Chile.
It will fulfill the following tasks: vigilance and control of the jurisdictional maritime zone, search and rescue in the national responsibility maritime zone, control and fighting against aquatic contamination, support in the maintenance of maritime signaling and logistic support to isolated areas.
The Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) has been desingner by FASSMER in accordance whit the requirements of the Chilena Navy, being a modern vessel built by ASMAR and certified by Lloyd's Register of Shiping, which cmplies all the international regulations such as SOLAS and MARPOL, and also serves of deployments affshore, such as:
-Coast Guard Mission
-Fishery Protection Mission
-Serach and Rescue Mission (SAR)
-Contamination Control
-Support and training activities
See video "Piloto Pardo"

Last Modification: 03/09/2008