Submarine SS O´ Higgins

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  • Año:2005
  • Desplazamiento:1.700 tons.
  • Potencia de Maquinaria2.9 MW


6 torpedo tubes 21"

  • Velocidad Máxima11 knots surfaced / 21.5 knots submerged
  • Eslora:66 m
  • Manga:6,2 m
  • Puntal:
  • Calado:5,5 m
  • Comandante Comander Luís Felipe Bravo Cubillos

Nombres anteriores

Submarine SS O´ Higgins
Submarine SS O´ Higgins

The 17th December 1997, the Consortium formed by DCN International and Bazán (today Navantia) signed a contract with the Chilean Navy to build two Scorpene class Submarines, intended to replace the old Oberon Class "O'Brien" and "Hyatt".
After a construction process shared between both dockyards, the 23rd October 2003 was putted afloat in Cherbourg, France, the first of the Class, the "Ohiggins"; its baptism ceremony was made on November the 1st, same year.
The name O'Higgins comes from General Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme, one of the biggest heroes during the Chilean Independence period; he was also the precursor of the first Chilean Navy Fleet.
In 2004 began the Submarine's test period, first with the surface trials in the English Channel, near Cherbourg and then the Sea Acceptance Tests in the Biscay Gulf having as base the port Lorient. It is important to highlight that the test crew during all the process was formed by Chilean Submariners.
After the whole test period, the 9th September 2005 the Submarine was officially delivered to the Chilean Navy in a Ceremony presided by the Chilean Defence Minister. The 17th October same year, the O'Higgins began its navigation back to Chile, arriving 51 days before to Valparaiso and then to its Base, Talcahuano.

Last Modification: 18/12/2007